Monday, December 04, 2006


Innovation by walking around...

Ever heard of the book: Management by Walking Around? I wonder if the blogosphere would noodle the notion of innovation by walking around...

Some of my best ideas don't occur at work. Even when they do occur at work, they are usually in the time when I am walking between one meeting and another. At most times, brilliance hits me whenever I get a chance to walk outside. The one thing that I can say is that my idea engine has been slowing down since working in corporate America as we don't get outside as much as when I was working on various Internet startups. Maybe I need to figure out how to hold more meetings outside instead of being locked up in stuffy conference rooms.

Anyway, here are four notions that you should consider in terms of embracing innovation by walking around:

The key takeway is to do something. Walking around is doing something. Innovation at its basic level requires enterprises to get moving. When this occurs, the perspectives will change for the better. Innovation also requires IT leadership (distinct from management) to remove otherwise insurmountable barriers (aka process) and allow folks to focus on interacting in a human way...

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